Orthopedic Conditions


Facts About Rickets

Although rarely seen in the USA, rickets is a common childhood disease in developing countries. It creates a softening of the bones, resulting in deformities or fractures. Rickets is caused by a lack of adequate amounts of vitamin D and calcium in the child's diet.

There are many families that have adopted a child with Rickets, club foot, or other orthopedic differences.  Please use our website to read family adoption storiesview children waiting to be adopted, and learn more about this and other medical conditions experienced by children living in institutions and orphanages. 

Rickets Challenges

  • Symptoms can include: bone pain, delayed teething, pigeon chest, tenderness, dental carries, muscle weakness and skeletal deformities such as bowed legs and wrists. Blood work and x-rays can confirm a diagnosis.

Rickets Treatment

  • The good news is that rickets is largely reversible, especially if diagnosed while the child is still growing. Many children from developing nations come into their families with rickets, and with proper nutrition and care will fully recover from this condition.
  • Treatment consists of supplementing vitamin D and calcium as well as exposure to sunlight. Green leafy vegetables, dairy products, fish, and sesame seeds are recommended foods for children with rickets. Children should play outside in direct sunlight at least once a day as well. With treatment, bones can recover from early deformations. Rickets does not affect a child?s intellect and does not leave lasting effects if treated early.