Kazakhstan Adoption Needs Families

Kazakhstan Adoption Needs Families

Cradle of Hope Adoption Center is pleased to announce our reaccreditation in Kazakhstan.  We are the only US agency working there and we welcome new applicants.  Here are some details of the program:

Children Available:  Children ages 2 years and older with Russian, Kazak or Russian/Kazak features, in reasonable health or with minor/correctible medical issues.  Gender preference is allowed.  Sibling groups available.

Parent Qualifications: Married heterosexual couples and single women can adopt from Kazakhstan.  Parents must be 25 to 60 years old, in reasonable health,  and at least one parent must be a US citizen.

Travel Requirements: Both parents must travel for a month-long first trip to visit the child each day in the orphanage.  After a court hearing, parents return to US to wait out a 30 day appeal period.  When all adoption papework is completed, at least one parent returns to Kazakhstan to obtain a US visa for the child and bring the child home.

Timeline:  We hope to complete adoptions within one year of dossier submission.

Contact Cradle of Hope for more information.  301-587-4400 or info@cradlehope.org.

Cradle of Hope

Maryland Based
 368 Waiting Children  3 Adoption Programs
 Call 301-587-4400 8630 Fenton St. Suite 310 Maryland http://www.cradlehope.org

We are a Hague-accredited international adoption agency in operation for 34 years.  We provide homestudy services in MD, VA and DC.  We provide placement services for families across the US who want to adopt from Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Liberia or the US.

To Her Future Parents With Love

Older Child Adoption, Adoption Advocacy