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Armenia Adoption - A 2022 Perspective

Down Syndrome   Armenia   Special Needs Adoption, Adoption News, Adoption Advocacy

Years ago, the Armenia program was a popular option for families seeking to adopt a healthy infant.  Wait times were reasonable, and the children...

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Why You Cannot Adopt from Ukraine At This Time

Ukraine   Adoption News

A notice from the US State Department: President Putin’s premeditated, unjustified, and unprovoked war against Ukraine has had a devastating im...

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It is possible to adopt internationally during the pandemic!

9 Years Plus   Bulgaria, Honduras, Hong Kong, Dominican Republic, Romania   Older Child Adoption, Sibling Adoption, Special Needs Adoption, Family Adoption Stories, How To Adopt, Adoption News, Waiting Children, Adoption Process, Single Parent Adoption, Adoption Advocacy, Travel and Birthcountry Tours, The Teen Years, Child Welfare Advocacy

Many of us have given up so much throughout the course of the pandemic. For some, it’s the idea of parenting a child or adding another child to ...

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Why We Chose Adoption from Taiwan

Taiwan   Waiting Children

There are many things to consider when choosing the right country for an international adoption. There are also various reasons why one country may be...

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Waiting to adopt from China and stuck because of the pandemic? 10 tips from families who have been there

China   Adoption News, Waiting Children, Adoption Process, Single Parent Adoption

If you are one of the nearly 500 families waiting to adopt a child from China and are limbo due to the pandemic it has to feel like you are ...

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Preparing adoptees for returning to school this fall

Older Child Adoption, Special Needs Adoption, Adoption News, Adoption and School, Adoption Education and Training, Social Skills, Post-Adoption, The Teen Years, Transitions, Education

Returning to school in any year can be challenging, especially for adoptees. Returning to school after a pandemic and varied levels of remote and in-p...

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Boys Rock that Extra Chromosome Too!

Down Syndrome   China, Colombia, Philippines   Special Needs Adoption, Waiting Children, Adoption Advocacy, Boys

My career before International Adoption was in disability services.  Through that work, I came to know many children and adults who had Down synd...

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Who are the Children Waiting for Adoption in the Philippines

Philippines   Older Child Adoption, Sibling Adoption, Special Needs Adoption, How To Adopt, Adoption Process, Adoption Advocacy

"The Philippines does not allow photos of waiting children to be posted on child advocacy sites to protect the privacy of the children.  While th...

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How to Choose an International Adoption Doctor

Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Korea South   Pre-Adoption, Adoption Education and Training, Post-Adoption, Education

International adoption (IA) medical specialists and in some cases their clinics can offer families valuable information and support as they decide whe...

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Is Three a Crowd? What It’s Like to Adopt Three Siblings

Colombia   Older Child Adoption, Sibling Adoption, Family Adoption Stories, Post-Adoption

When we talk to families about the children who typically wait for adoptive families, there are some common themes: usually children with medical or ...

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