Adoption Advocacy: What Would You Do for Your Best Friend?

Adoption Advocacy: What Would You Do for Your Best Friend?

There is a connection that happens between children in institutions. Its a connection of goodness and compassion. For those who have had the deep honor of adopting an older child, you understand.  Those names and those faces?  They are the family to your child when there was no family.  They are your child's history. 

Recently I heard about a remarkable connection between five boys in an institution whose goodness and compassion is an inspiration to all who meet them.

They are the definition of what is good in this world yet their ability to share their grace beyond the few is stalled for two reasons. They are older and they are boys. 

The center of this story is Wayne.  Twelve year old Wayne is deaf. For ten years he has been living in this orphange.  It is presumed that Wayne has been deaf since birth.  Joined at Wayne's hip are his four best friends, Charlie, Pete, Tom and David.   This pod of young men have been together in the orphange for ten years.  From loss and grief to smiles and connections they have shared the broad spectrum of emotions of institution life. 

There was a moment in their friendship when Charlie, Pete, Tom and David realized their need to connect with Wayne was far deeper then charades and basic hand gestures.  They wanted Wayne to be a part of every conversation, to never feel left out.  So, while Wayne was learning sign language, the other four boys eagerly took it upon themselves to learn as well. These children... these boys...these orphans didn't have to do this.  They wanted to this for their best friend.  It was, as my kids say, a no-brainer.  

They love Wayne, they noticed what Wayne needed, and they provided. These boys, who have their own special needs, who have their own desires for a family, who have their own trauma and loss, saw their friend in need, and acted, no questions asked- Sarah Hansen, Madison Adoption Associates

Recently the Associate Director of Madison Adoption Associates met up with these best friends, and could only describe them as, "amazing, unbelievable, inspiring, soft-spoken, and absolutely perfect."

Take a moment to get to know each of these young men and consider what they will give to our world if just given a chance to thrive in a family. To begin, watch a video of them together here and then read about them below.   

The Best Friends

Twelve-year-old Wayne has a $5000 Bright Futures grant toward his adoption.  He is in the 2nd grade at a school for the deaf where he is learning to write.  Because he is SO inspired by his teachers he someday would love to be a teacher too.  To see videos and learn more about Wayne check out his RainbowKids waiting child profile.



Twelve-year-old Tom loves to play badminton and the piano.  He's been practicing both for three years now!  He finds small joy in small dogs and HAMBURGERS!  (Hello Sonic!) Tom also has a $5000 Bright Futures grant towards his adoption.  To see videos and learn more about Tom, visit his RainbowKids Waiting Child photolisting.



Eleven-year-old Pete has a wonderful welcoming smile. He has a huge heart and longs to share it with a "big" family.   Pete has stated that his favorite animal is a monkey as he can relate to a monkey's playfulness! Pete has a $5000 Bright Futures grant towards his adoption.  Other grants may also be available. To see videos of Pete and learn more please visit his RainbowKids Waiting Child photoslisting. 


David's story is one that is extremely URGENT. He turns fourteen in October and will age out at that time.  ALL PLACING AGENCY FEES ARE WAIVED for his adoption!!  An avid soccer player, David's favorite position is offense.   He has been described by his friends as friendly, helpful, shy and just an all around good boy.  To see videos of David and learn more please visit his RainbowKids Waiting Child photolisting. 



Charlie just turned thirteen-years-old not long ago and so his story is now URGENT as well.  He has one year for a family to step forward or he will age out in less then a year.  ALL PLACING AGENCY FEES ARE WAIVED for Charlie's adoption.  Charlie loves math so much he hopes to one day be a math teacher!   He has been described as super smart with excellent character.  To see videos of Charlie and learn more please visit his RainbowKids Waitiing Child photolisting

 Please contact Sarah at Madison Adoption Associates for more information.

Gladney Center for Adoption

Texas Based
 2007 Waiting Children  10 Adoption Programs
 Call 817-922-6000 6300 John Ryan Dr. Texas

Founded over 135 years ago, The Gladney Center for Adoption is a Hague accredited, adoption agency with international and domestic adoption programs. With adoption programs in Asia, Gladney is able to help parents adopt children of all ages. In each region that we work, we are excited to offer International Waiting Child Programs to help children who are part of a sibling group, who may be older, or have a medical need, to find a loving family and a permanent home. Gladney is able to work with families residing in all 50 U.S. states and provides individualized casework services to each family throughout the adoption process.

If you are considering adoption from Asia and would like information about our Superkids program, please contact

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