Mnogo Blagodaria!

Mnogo Blagodaria!

Being blessed with one child was a miracle for my husband Rian and myself.  After five years of doctors visits, We were finally parents!

I signed up on RainbowKids when our son Ian was a baby.  And as soon as I got an email of a little (Bulgarian) boy with light hair and blue eyes named "Bobby" I fell in love! After praying for a month, that same boy came to my email again.  I made a call to Children's House International,  the agency he was listed with. We had started our home study and it all worked out with both agencies. By this time my oldest son Ian was 2 years old.  A year and a half later we are home with a healthy, energetic, sweet little brother!  We are truly blessed!

Thank you so much to Rainbow Kids I feel we would have never found him without your website and information.

With a Grateful Heart,



Children's House International

Washington Based
 3322 Waiting Children  10 Adoption Programs
 Call 360-383-0623 506 Grover St. #115 Washington

Children's House International (CHI) is a non- profit international adoption agency, licensed since 1975 and fully COA Hague accredited. CHI is proud to offer domestic and international home study services! CHI is dedicated to serving adoptive families, with programs in 12 countries worldwide.  We work in Bulgaria, China,  Colombia, Georgia, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Jamaica, Moldova,  Romania,  and Ukraine.  We spend time in each of the countries we represent and are personally committed to finding families for our children.  With our over 45 years of experience we have many families who would love to share with you their adoption experience and answer any questions you may have!  Our social workers have over 100 years of combined social service experience. They are available for adoption training, and support throught the adoption process and continuing after you arrive home with your adopted child. 

5 Reasons to Adopt an Older Child

Older Child Adoption, Special Needs Adoption, Waiting Children, Single Parent Adoption, Adoption Advocacy, Adoption Education and Training