Dear soon-to-be-Mama-of-twins

Dear soon-to-be-Mama-of-twins

Dear soon-to-be-Mama-of-twins,

You’ve seen their pictures.  You’ve started picturing your life with them in it. 

I’ll never forget the first time I saw them in real life and got to actually hold them.  Elijah Asebe was not feeling well and was grieving hard- it was clear he had attached to someone.  Jonah Tesfaye came to us happily, waving goodbye to his caretakers. We were young and this was our first adoption.  Everything was new.  In fact, parenting was still fairly new to us.  All those months of the paperwork trail and painful wait were worth it- the boys were finally in our arms and our sons!

I’m writing to share a glimpse of what your life will be like as a Mama to twins.  First, it will be busy…of course.  But, it will be so much more than that.  The special bond that twins have is almost indescribable.  Our boys would flip-flop personalities and skill abilities just as we had started to figure out who each of them were and what they could do. It definitely seemed like, at times, they could read each other’s minds and were plotting things to do together.

But it isn’t all cute baby twin stories.  There is plenty of hard.  There are times when not one is crying, but both.  When not one makes a mess, but both.

When not one is sick, but both.  When not one is hurt, but both.  When not one needs a cuddle with Mama, but both. 

But, you scoop them both in your arms, ignore your aching back and utter exhaustion, and squeeze a little tighter knowing these moments will be gone in the blink of an eye.

Before you know it, they are growing up.  They are developing their own individuality, yet somehow, they are so much alike.  You question yourself constantly.  Are we allowing them to be and grow as individuals?  Are we celebrating the special twin bond they have?  Do we encourage them to do enough apart?  Do they do enough together?

But with all the questions, and all the doubt, the joy and fulfillment those two beings will give you is immeasurable.  Strap on for a wild ride Mama. Those two eternally connected souls are going to take you places you never dreamed of.  Enjoy the ride.

Your fellow twin Mom,


Twins Sydney and Reagan, (RK# 39508-click on their names to link to read a detailed description of these darling little girls) 20 months old, are available for adoption through Madison Adoption Associates.  There is a $10,000 grant available to the family who steps forward to adopt them.  Reagan is believed to be healthy, and Sydney is diagnosed with multiple, significant special needs.  Please email Sarah for more information.

Madison Adoption Associates

Delaware Based
 1773 Waiting Children  8 Adoption Programs
 Call 302-475-8977 1102 Society Drive Delaware

Madison Adoption Associates is a Hague accredited, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to bring hope, love, and a permanent family to children in need. By serving children and families through domestic and international adoption, our work is guided by the following core principles:

  • Conducting our business activities with our heart first and an unwavering commitment to ethics.
  • Treating each child with dignity; always acting in the best interests of the child.
  • Ensuring that each adoption process is transparent, with adherence to all laws and regulations.
  • Providing birth parents with caring, compassionate, nonjudgmental and confidential support.
  • Recognizing the unique and precious potential of each child and each family.
  • Securing stable and loving permanent families for children through pre-adoption preparation, education, and guidance.
  • Committing time and resources to charitable activities that help children who are not eligible for adoption to lead stronger, safer, healthier, and more productive lives.

Our placement goals are to meet the child's needs and best interests, along with a strong commitment to work with the wishes and rights of the prospective adoptive families.

Adopt from Bulgaria

How To Adopt, Adoption Process